Environmental & Sustainability

Canterbury Apartments Stream Restoration, Habitat Restoration, and Conservation Area

Cardinal teamed with Northern Kentucky University’s Center for Applied Ecology for this project. The project was performed to stabilize the channel, restore floodprone width, mitigate erosion, and improve fish passage.

Duck Spring Treatment Wetland

Cardinal worked with BHE Environmental, Inc on this project. Cardinal provided professional assessment, design, and construction plans for a four acre constructed treatment wetland at the Duck Spring Facility located in Alcoa, Tennessee.

Joe’s Creek Stream Re-establishment

Cardinal teamed with Northern Kentucky University’s Center for Applied Ecology for this project involving the restoration of a stream and modification of an existing detention pond located in Wilder, Kentucky.

Split Rock Stream Restoration

Cardinal teamed with Northern Kentucky University’s Center for Applied Ecology for this project. The Split Rock Conservation Park is located near the mouth of Woolper Creek.